Sunday, August 29, 2010

Style vs. Comfort

Does a stylish AND comfortable shoe really exist or will I have to choose between crippling myself or looking drab?

 The search continues...

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I used to think of Lush as the tiny shop that spewed overpowering fragrance into the arcade which lead from Town Hall station to Pitt Street Mall.

Now, with a few billion beauty/make up videos on YouTube brainwashing me I love like Lush.

The devil on my shoulder has a few points to make...
  1. Lush products in your room make it smell awwweeesome!
  2. You have been moisturizing more than are half way through your third Each Peach (and two's a pear) Massage bar! 
  3. It's better for your skin and for the environment
But the angel has a something to say as well...
  1. This is ridiculously over priced soap
  2. You don't even use the Lush soap you fact when you did it gave you that squeaky clean over-dry feeling or you got some sort of skin condition
  3. Massage bars are FIFTEEN DOLLARS each and only last 3 weeks. 
Luckily with my current routine Lush isn't extremely convenient so the fact that I have to make a special trip and my laziness hectic schedule mean I'm not there too often.

*this post lead to a re-visit of the Lush website and quite possibly a re-kindling of my Lush obsession...d'oh!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I dislike Mimco.

Ok, not all Mimco, I don't have a problem with this:
Mimco- Mini Jetson
(It's actually quite cute!)

I have a problem with this:
Mimco- Button something something

C'mon people, it's a bag with two purses stuck to the front. It's not exactly offensive but it's EVERYWHERE.

When I see people with these bags I automatically assume their thought process went like this:
1. I want bag
2. I want safe option that is sure to win me friends
3. I want Mimco button bag.

Sigh...I'm sure that's not what is happening but how can so many people look at what's out there and decide the button thing is a good way to burn $450, that can't be right!

All the bitching aside, credit must go to Mimco for building a brand capable of convincing people to part with $$$ for a not so pretty, not so unique bag. Bler.

* I used to shop at Mimco...when I was 13 and had an obsession with colourful hair accessories...and when I want to buy a thoughtless gift that I know the person will like because "ooohhh! it's Mimco!"

Hello world!

I have way too may random thoughts floating around in my head.
Kudos to the internet for taking them off my hands.

Expect: commentary on fashion, some beauty and life in general...